HIS life (chapter 11: one trip)

June 14, 10:12pm, finally, write it in a right time, not too late, not too early, great, connection nice.. sayang modem for today.. Woke up, very early, about 7am in the morning, the point is cause today his dad say wanna go to a... nice place..? i wonder... haha, actually he and his family are going to tanjong sepat, hmm... never been b4, quite surprise... till that destination after 1 hour half...tired.. but.. i was amazed after seeing that 5 star hotel, omg, nice, it will be prefect after finish build, hard to explain that place, wanna know more? visit www.sepanggoldcoast.com, must take a view of it, cause it's the 5 star longest coastal paradise in asia... cool.. After visiting, when for lunch at there, surely seafood, famous at there mar.. lol.. ate fish, prawn, crab, small oyster, right.. tht's what he mean for SEAFOOD.. =.= waa ate too much ,now think d still got some scare and geli about it.. after ate at beside the sea side, then back home le, sleep in the car all the way home ,tired..=.= zzzz

No more special story after back home about 4pm, just.. his modem naughty again... argh!! bad modem! can't play and chat wif friends online d>.< ... Oh, right almost forgotten, his friend, chong, too bored ..asked him out to JJ to meet chia wei , another friend..but tht's not the main point they went there, the main point is aim for...... haha dun tell u, only 3 ppl know..^^boys stuff, haha.. hmm.. walk for about 2~3hour then back d, follow his parents go out eat, he was sry for chong, cause his friend, chong, have to eat his dinner alone>.<...lol, tht's all ba for today ba^^

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