At least 1 years of relationship, 2 years of friends and 2 years of bestfriends, we been together, talk together, eat together, shopping together, playing basketballs together, we spend most of the free time together, and never forget our smile in every memories.. After SPM, u finally out of that school, at 1st we think tht it was a very happy thing, but, now we passed by the sc
hool, sometimes realise that maybe...we are wrong...we will never have a chance to meet each other every week d...
After we freedom,age of 18, we feel like we can springs our wings and fly, but ...we can't fly long, we will be tired and have to went back to our cage, life are always moving, every second every hour passed as we breath, everyone has his or her own path, to make a road for his or her life.. As time comes by, we must move...1 by 1 dissapear...Friends, go, just go,for the life of college, making ur dreams come true, but promise me 1 thing, Don't... ! ever forget the time
we been together, and make it parts of your

precious memory...

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