3 in 1 cause of busy..

today only me n chong taking care of the shop, superviser sick one more helper off,so we hav to work more extra harder but luckily not too much customer..

finally the gal helper is back, dun nid so 'pia' d, superviser back too, but she is still very sick, i felt pity.. i asked the gal helper why didn't come yesterday, her reason is because she almost broke her finger,but hurt quite deep ,something like bone crack,she still can use 1 hand, lol..

the life of working getting more n more better, but still very stress,always hav to face different types of customer,example 1 ,"i wan bak kua dun wan the black black wan" ,example 2 ,"why so expansive wan, i but 3 pack no discount more meh", example 3,"er..tis wan can try ar?got sample?( tried almost more than 5 types)" ,haih see,thts wat i wan to say...pek chek..

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